Solid Fuel Advice
We're often asked for information about our solid fuel products so we've provided some tips and guides to help you get the very best from your fuel and your appliance.
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See How Burning Homefire Could Save You Money In 2022/23 Winter
A recent study into the benefits of smokeless solid fuels found that using a multi-fuel stove with smokeless fuel could save 11% per annum or a wood-burning stove with kiln dried wood 7% per annum, helping households save money on their heating bills as we enter the colder months.
The study into smokeless solid fuels, issued in October 2022, was commissioned by Homefire Group Limited and carried out by independent consultants Gemserv. It suggests that consumers with a log or multi-fuel stove could be acting more economically rationally and climate-friendly by switching to zonal heating this winter.
Modelled results of the study found that:
- Households with gas central heating who adopt zonal heating using wood fuel could save on average, £132 / year, the equivalent of a 6.8% saving on heating bills
- Using a smokeless solid fuel as secondary heating could increase savings to £213, the equivalent of an 11.0% saving. Savings increase even further for homes centrally heated using higher cost heating fuels such as heating oil or direct electric.
- Using renewable, sustainably sourced wood fuel instead of fossil fuel gas results in typical carbon savings of over half a tonne of CO2e / year.
These findings are based on the October 2022 price cap.
How Do We Make Ecoal?
Watch our video to see how we make our most eco-friendly briquette.
The Coal Ban Is Coming On May 1st 2023.
Government plan to improve air quality
The Government wants to clean up the air we breathe.
To do this, they are going to phase out the burning of "Dirty" fuels such as House Coal, Wet Wood and Coal Ovoids with lots of sulphur, replacing them with "Clean" fuels such as our approved Homefire Smokeless Coal and Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Logs.
But don't worry!
There is no need to stop burning any of the Homefire range of products or brands like Brazier found on our website. You can still enjoy a cosy fire, and you have to burn brands like Homefire to cut air pollution.
Want to make the switch sooner?
You don't need to wait. Homefire has a wide range of clean fuels for you to choose from, to suit every type of appliance and setting. Follow these links to Smokeless Fuel or Kiln Dried Logs to find the product for you.
Homefire can help!
As the UK's largest manufacturer and distributor of smokeless fuels, Homefire has developed a range of cleaner fuels that mimic the look and feel of a coal fire.
No need to stop burning; it's all about switching to cleaner fuels!
Our video below explains everything you need about the ban. Please note the video mentions the ban coming into place on February 2021, but this is now changed to May 1st 2023.
The good news is there is no need to stop burning any of the Homefire products. Find out more below.
How Will I Be Affected By The Coal Ban?
If you are already a Homefire customer or wish to be… you would be in no way affected by the coal ban. For years, our range of fuels has only consisted of cleaner and greener fuels. All of which will be at your disposal for the years to come.
Rest assured that when you burn our Homefire range in your home, you are using a greener fuel.
Planning to switch sooner?
Now that you are in the market for a new alternative for house coal, look no further. Our Homefire Ecoal produces less smoke, less C02 more heat and lasts longer than either coal or wood. Designed for use on open fires and multi-fuel stoves, the hexagonal shape promotes air flow resulting in attractive flames and tons of heat.
It's all about switching to cleaner fuels!
Our video below explains everything you need to know about the ban. Please note the video mentions the ban comes into place on February 2021 but this is now changed to May 1st 2023.
How Can I Benefit From Using Homefire Smokeless Fuels?
Enhanced performance and fire life
Smokeless fuels produce a consistently higher heat and can last as much as 40% longer than ordinary house coal. This means that even though house coal may appear cheaper initially, choosing smokeless fuel will save you money in the long term due to its superior performance.
Buying the cheapest coal is often a false economy. Premium products are more efficient as they produce a higher heat and a longer burning time than their economy counterparts. Paying that little bit extra for a better
performing fuel will save you money in the long term, as you end up using less fuel to create your desired heat.
Compliance with The Clean Air Act
Smokeless fuels comply with The Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968, which were introduced to deal with the smog caused by the widespread burning of ordinary house coal.
To combat this pollution, Smoke Control Areas have been introduced in the majority of large towns and cities in the UK with selected smokeless fuels approved as authorised for use in these areas.
Homefire smokeless fuels have passed rigorous tests to ensure that they are capable of burning without producing excess smoke and can therefore be used in any Smoke Control Area.
Better for your health
According to medical research, solid fuels can also be beneficial for your health. Families who use solid fuel are less likely to suffer from hay fever, asthma and eczema because the use of a chimney draws fresh air through the house and removes ‘polluted’ air. A better-ventilated home, combined with the use of smokeless fuels, is better for both your health and the environment.
Better for your appliance
Coal or Petcoke Briquettes can damage your stove, burning too hot or clogging it with soot, both of which can invalidate your stove warranty. Smokeless Fuels are specially designed and approved for use on your stove or grate, giving out more heat, but in a more controlled way, meaning you enjoy a great fire for longer.
Quality assurance
Smokeless fuels are carefully manufactured to the highest standards. The contents of each smokeless fuel briquette is monitored for consistency of quality and performance.
Smokeless fuels are extremely versatile as they can be used in a wide range of open fires and closed appliances, such as multi-fuel stoves, room heaters, and cookers. Whereas traditional coal could damage your multi-fuel stove, smokeless fuel is actually more efficient when burnt in this type of appliance.
Reducing our Carbon Footprint
Smokeless fuels are much kinder to the environment than traditional coal, producing up to 80% less smoke and 40% less CO2 when burnt. Homefire invest heavily in developing and testing new smokeless fuels in order to improve air quality across the UK.
Switching to smokeless fuels, which are manufactured to contain natural binders and materials, can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint left by burning solid fuels.
How To Get The Best From Your Solid Fuel Appliance
Different fires, fuels and appliances all work and perform in different ways. However, there are certain things you can do that will help you get the best results from whatever you’re using.
Follow these simple steps and you’ll be warm and cosy in no time.
Open fires
1. Place 2 firelighters and sufficient kindling to cover the fire bed.
2. Place a layer of fuel on top.
3. Light the firelighters, ensuring that your boiler damper (if fitted) is closed, and your draft regulator is open.
4. When the fire is well lit, add more fuel and adjust the draught until you have your required burning rate.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) recommends using a fireguard with any open fire, especially if children, the elderly or pets are around.
Regular and careful de-ashing of your fire pan will significantly improve fuel economy.
1. If the ash pan is full, empty it before de-ashing your appliance. Never let ash build up until it touches the underside of the fire bars.
2. It’s important that you de-ash gently to avoid breaking the burning briquettes. Drawing a thin poker gently from the back to the front of each fire bar should be enough.
3. Remove the ash pan and contents quickly from the room. An ash pan "Tippy" comes in useful for this.
4. Replace the ash pan and make sure your pit door is placed back securely.
1. Before refuelling increase the level of your draught to help your fire get going again
2. Reduce draught to your desired burning rate once the fire is fully going again.
1. Refuel to capacity and position your banking plate if fitted
2. Close down any air controls
3. When you want to start your fire again, de-ash to uncover the still-burning briquettes. Remove the banking plate, open any air controls and add new fuel.
Multi-fuel stoves and room heaters
1. Remove the ash pit door to maximise the through the draft.
2. Place 2 firelighters on a layer of fuel. Cover with kindling wood and position more fuel around them.
3. Light the firelighters and put more fuel over them.
4. When the fire is going well, replace the ash pit door (leaving it open can cause damage) and set your thermostat to the required level.
Regular and careful de-ashing of your fire pan will significantly improve fuel economy.
1. If the ash pan is full, empty it before de-ashing your appliance. Never let ash build up until it touches the underside of the fire bars.
2. Remove the ash pan and contents quickly from the room. An ash pan "Tippy" comes in useful for this.
3. Replace the ash pan and make sure your pit door is placed back securely.
4. De-ashing should always be done according to the manufacturer's instructions.
1. Don’t let the firebed get too low before refuelling as this can lead to a build-up of clinker above the grate.
2. Before you refuel, clear ash from the grate by gently using a poker or mechanical de-ashing system.
3. Make sure your ash pan is emptied regularly. Never let ash build up so it touches the underside of the fire bars.
4. Open the thermostat fully before adding fuel to the firebox.
5. Refuel the fire to the required level.
6. Ensure appliance and ash pit doors are properly closed.
7. Leave the thermostat open for about 15 minutes to allow the fire to get going again, then set it to your required level.
1. Get your fire ready by turning up the thermostat for 20 minutes. Do not de-ash the fire bed.
2. Refuel to your required level, then turn down the thermostat to a low level immediately afterwards and make sure all doors are securely shut.
4. Although our fuels can slumber for long periods, we recommend that you raise your appliance to full output for at least half an hour, twice a day.
5. To recover your fire from slumbering, gently de-ash the firebed and turn the thermostat up before to re-fuelling.
Why Does The Size Of Smokeless Coal Matter?
Larger-sized briquettes like Homefire and Ecoal give a more authentic looking fire, as they look like lumps of coal and more importantly there are large gaps between the briquettes for better airflow leading to bigger and better flames. Larger-sized briquettes are recommended for open fires and glass-fronted stoves.
Small-size briquettes like Phurnacite or Stoveheat sacrifice visual appeal for increased heat output and longer fire life. Their small size means they pack together into a tight firebed, which restricts airflow so that they burn with a super intense glow, radiating heat for up to 18 hours (Phurnacite under ideal conditions). Small-sized briquettes are recommended for closed appliances such as cookers, boilers, and room heaters.
Mid-size briquettes such as Taybrite are a compromise between visual appeal and fire life and are consequently recommended for use on all appliance types and open fires.
Ultimately all our fuels work on all types of open fires and appliances (with the exception of gravity-fed boilers), so the choice of which fuel is best for you, comes down to what properties of the fire you value most.
What's The Perfect Smokeless Coal To Burn At Christmas?
Let’s be honest, there’s enough to do at Christmas, without having to worry about spending even more precious time getting your fire going.
With Ecoal Instant Light you can light your fire with just one bag and one match! No kindling or firelighters are required. Simply pop the whole bag in the fireplace, light the corners, and then relax! (Or run back to clearing up wrapping paper, and stuffing the turkey).
Ecoal Instant Light really is the perfect fuel for the busy festive period. Ideal for use on open fires and multi-fuel stoves, one bag of Ecoal will burn for up to 3 hours.
Watch our video and see just how easy it is to use Ecoal Instant Light!
Ecoal is a revolutionary smokeless coal, and is the first coal in the world to be made from 50% renewable materials. It produces 40% less CO2 and 80% less smoke than traditional coal. So you can enjoy your beautiful fire whilst safe in the knowledge that as a solid fuel burner, you’re doing your part for the environment this winter.
What Are The Benefits Of Solid Fuel?
On a cold winter night, there’s nothing better than putting your feet up in front of a real fire with its dancing flames and warm glow.
But as well as its aesthetic features, there are plenty of other benefits to burning solid fuel in your home including:
Low running costs: Solid fuel is an efficient and economical method of heating your home 24 hours a day.
Healthy option: Solid fuel heating can greatly reduce condensation, eliminating household mould often associated with ‘on/off' fires. Medical research has also shown that solid fuel heating can reduce the risk of hay fever, asthma, and eczema.
Better ventilation: Homes with solid fuel heating are better ventilated than those with other forms of heating; the very use of a chimney will induce ventilation into a home drawing in the fresh air and removing the ‘polluted’ air.
Wide range of fuels: From smokeless coal to Ready to Burn kiln-dried wood, there’s a solid fuel to suit your appliance in all parts of the country.
Convenient and easy to use: Modern pre-set controls keep your home at the desired temperature throughout the day
Guaranteed heat: With solid fuel heating you can hold stock, ensuring that your home will be warm even in the most adverse weather conditions. Whatever the weather you don’t need to worry about power cuts or supply failures.
And here are some handy tips for solid fuel users...
- Always use the right fuel on your appliance. The right fuel will perform better in the appliance for which it was designed to burn. Our interactive fuel chooser allows you to sort our wide range of fuels by the categories that matter to you.
- Always burn the best quality fuel you can afford. The heat content will be higher and there will be less ash.
- Use the riddling device and a poker to effectively clear ash and clinker (the stony residue from burnt coal) from the grate. The fire will not burn to capacity if the grate is clogged. Leaving ashes to accumulate on the grate and in the ash pan below can result in damage to the fire.
- Have your chimney swept regularly – at least once a year or more frequently if burning bituminous coal or wood.
- Ensure appliances are annually serviced by a qualified engineer and regularly maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Always use a competent person, for instance, a HETAS registered installer when you have a new solid fuel heating fire fitted.
What Are The Benefits Of Homefire Smokeless Fuels?
Today, more and more people are rediscovering the joy of a real fire, whether it’s by opening up existing fires and chimneys or investing in the new generation of glass-fronted stoves.
A real fire can make a huge impact in your home and if you want to burn solid fuel and get the best possible performance from your appliance, choose from Homefire's smokeless fuels. Among the most popular are Homefire, Homefire Ovals, and Ecoal.
These premium quality smokeless fuels give great heating performance and are very low in smoke so they’re better for your wallet and better for the environment too.
Here’s an overview of their benefits:
Better for you
Whether you’re heating a single room or a whole house with an open fire, glass-fronted stove, or room heater, or even if you’re fuelling a cooker, Homefire has the right smokeless fuel for your needs.
Homefire smokeless coals give out a consistently higher heat and can last as much as 40% longer than traditional coal. As a result, industry figures show that although coal may appear to be cheaper, it costs about the same to heat an average-sized room with Homefire smokeless coal as it does with traditional coal, as you use less! So that means less work refuelling the fire, and no extra costs.
Better for the environment
Smoke emissions from Homefire smokeless coals are a fraction of those from traditional coal, producing up to 80% less smoke, and 25% less Carbon Dioxide. Each of our fuels also contains a percentage of renewable material which is used as a binder, further increasing their environmental credentials.
As Europe’s leading manufacturer of smokeless fuels, Homefire carries out extensive ongoing research and development to ensure continual improvement in the performance of our fuels.
Smokeless fuels are extremely versatile as they can be used in a wide range of open fires and closed appliances, such as multi-fuel stoves, room heaters, and cookers. Whereas traditional coal could damage your multi-fuel stove, smokeless fuel is actually more efficient when burnt in this type of appliance.
Our smokeless coal is the perfect sustainable choice for your open fire with less CO2 and more heat, all while lasting longer than traditional coal. Delivered straight to your door, Homefire smokeless coal comes in a variety of forms, including Brazier, Taybrite, and Ecoal Instant Light. Find the best smokeless coal for you by browsing through our collection today. Click here to shop our Smokeless Coal range today.
What Can Anthracite Users Expect When They Switch Into A Homefire Manufactured Ovoid?
+/- | Attribute |
The Differences |
What this means |
Solution |
- |
Ash Level |
The Ash level is slightly higher, but more importantly, the ash is different, being much lighter. |
Lighter Ash reaches parts of the appliance that heavier, more granular Anthracite Ash just cannot get to |
Users may need to adopt a more detailed cleaning schedule depending on the appliance to ensure airways remain clear and performance is maintained. |
+ |
Fire Lighting |
Slightly Easier / Same |
Made easier by the consistent shape of a Homefire Ovoid. |
Use plenty of air and kindling, then experiment to find the best solution. |
+ | Fire life |
It should be longer, with better fire. Ash helps increase fire life. |
Higher Heat Output and Longer Firelife mean that users will start to use less Homefire manufactured fuel, leading to savings in their heating bills. |
+ |
Heat Output |
Higher - more sustained, with a more extended peak |
Higher Heat Output and Longer Firelife mean that users will start to use less Homefire manufactured fuel, leading to savings in their heating bills. | |
+ | Slumbering |
Homefire ovoids will slumber & recover well but need to get set up correctly to work successfully. |
Advice is to run the fire hard before and after slumbering. Refuel, open vents to burn the fuel for 20-30 minutes depending on the appliance, then close the vents down. Repeat in the morning to recover the fire |
O | Sulphur |
Within legal limits at less than 2%. |
Authorised for use in Smokeless Zones |
+ | Shape |
Homefire ovoids are a consistent, uniform shape |
Pack together into a nice tight firebed, helping to increase heat output and fire life |
+ |
Calorific Value |
The calorific Value (CV) of Anthracite can be anywhere from 29,000 to 33,000 CV, depending on the seam it comes from. Phurnacite, for example, is consistently in the region of 32,500 CV. |
+ | Environment |
Homefire Ovoids are manufactured using up to 15% renewable material |
Lower net emissions of Green House Gases when burning |
+ | Cost |
Higher heat & longer fire life mean that over time will use fewer Homefire ovoids for the same heat output. |
Better Value for Money & Lower heating bills |
1 - 8 + |
Summary |
Homefire Ovoids last longer and with a higher heat output than Anthracite but have slightly higher ash. |
Users will likely notice differences, which may require changes to the usual fueling practice. |
If prepared to experiment and follow the advice given, users will end up with a high-performing fuel that will save them money in the long run. |
How Do I Light My Coal Fire?
The video below will take you through the surprisingly simple steps to light your coal fire.
Before you get started you will need firelighters (we use white kerosene firelighters in this video as they are the most common, but other natural firelighters such as Twizlers or Fibre-Lighters work equally as well), dry kindling wood and good quality coal or smokeless coal.
Always start with a clean grate.
Step 1
Firstly, place 2-3 Twizlers onto the firebed.
Step 2
Then, add the kindling on top of the Twizlers. This is your combustion chamber. For the time being ensure that you leave plenty of air gaps.
Step 3
Light, the Twizlers from underneath the kindling.
Step 4
Once the Twizlers are lit, add a few more pieces of kindling to the fire to build the heat.
Step 5
Immediately, start to add a generous amount of smokeless coal on top of the fire.
Step 6
Ensure all the kindling is covered with the smokeless coal.
Step 7
Give the fire enough time to grow and for the smokeless coal to catch light.
Step 8
Finally, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the warmth of your cosy fire.
Can I Burn Smokeless Coal And Kiln Dried Logs Together?
Turn up the heat
Burning coal and logs together can produce a gorgeous fire mixing the aroma and long flames of a log fire with the high heat output and longevity of solid fuel. Mixing fuels can also be beneficial to your appliance, as the higher temperatures produced by the coal help to drive off any moisture in the logs, reducing the build-up of tar.
Getting the mix right
We recommend that only smokeless coal and Ready to Burn kiln-dried wood. The lack of moisture in the wood is crucial, so if you don’t use kiln-dried wood always ensure that your firewood is well seasoned before burning it with coal.
Our customers have told us that their favourite smokeless fuels to burn with logs are Homefire Ovals and Ecoal.
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for your appliance with regards to choosing a fuel, and mixing fuels.
If you’re buying firewood to warm your home, Homefire kiln dried logs are the highest quality firewood available for multi-fuel stoves and open fires as they burn at a high temperature with a bright, natural flame.
Our kiln-dried logs are also now officially certified by Woodsure Ready to Burn scheme which means they’re dried to less than 20% moisture.
What Is Coal?
Coal – digging a little deeper
You may think of coal as just chunks of black stuff that we’ve been digging out of the earth for 100s of years. However, there’s a lot more to coal than meets the eye. For example, did you know there are different kinds of coal all of which have different properties?
Here’s our guide to all things coal.
How coal is made
Coal is formed from dead and decaying plant matter that has been subject to heat and pressure under the earth’s surface for millions of years. Coal is made up mainly of carbon, along with other elements such as hydrogen, sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen.
The different types of coal
There are six main types of coal that are regularly used by humans:
Peat is formed from decaying vegetation and is thought to be the first coal used by humans. In some countries, such as Ireland and Finland, it is still an important industrial fuel.
Lignite is formed from compressed peat and is often called ‘brown coal’. It’s a low ranking and highly volatile coal that’s used mainly in power stations.
Bituminous and sub-bituminous coal
Formed from compressed lignite, bituminous coals are a dense, sedimentary rock that’s usually black in colour. They are widely used in the manufacturing of briquettes and coke.
Steam coal
Steam coal is the stepping-stone between bituminous coal and anthracite. As the name suggests, it was once used to fuel steam trains.
Anthracite is the highest-ranking ignitable coal. It’s hard, black and glossy – and as a naturally smokeless fuel, is used primarily for residential and commercial space heating.
Anthracite is also the main source of many manufactured fuels, and provides a good heat output and burning times.
The technically highest-ranking coal, graphite is difficult to ignite and so is rarely used as a fuel. It’s mostly used in pencils and as a lubricant in its powdered form.
What Fuels Can I Burn In A Multi-Fuel Stove?
Smokeless coals
A revolutionary smokeless coal that’s made with up to 50% renewable materials. Provides a high and sustained heat output, while being better for the environment.
Our best performing smokeless coal – it lasts up to 40% longer than house coal, producing great heat performance and burning with a beautifully natural flame.
Homefire Ovals
A slow-burning smokeless coal that packs together in the grate to provide maximum heat output for up to nine hours.
A multi-purpose smokeless fuel that’s easy to light and produces a long-lasting controllable heat. Taybrite can also slumber for long periods.
Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Logs
The highest quality logs available, they have a very low moisture content and will burn at a high temperature and with a natural flame and aroma.
Heat logs
Easy to light logs that burn with a long flame and a good heat output. Often used as an aid to lighting fires, or to top up existing fires. Made from 100% recycled wood.
Seasoned hardwood logs
Long-burning logs burn at a high temperature to produce a naturally beautiful and aromatic flame.
Other Logs
If you cut your own logs or buy them from other suppliers, always make sure they are properly seasoned before you burn them, as wet wood can damage your stove or chimney. However, to save you time and money in the long run, we’d recommend you only buy Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Logs.
Burning smokeless coal and firewood together
Burning smokeless coal and firewood together can be beneficial to your appliance. The extra heat from the solid fuel drives off any moisture in your logs, significantly reducing the build-up of tar and rusting. A fire of both smokeless coal and firewood will also burn hotter for longer.
Don’t use house coal
Unless specifically stated in your manufacturer’s guide, avoid using house coal in your stove. It burns at a much higher temperature that may cause damage and the smoke will blacken your stove’s glass.